Wine Tasting: Artisan Vintners Pinot Noir


Wine Tasting 5: Artisan Vintners Pinot Noir

Name of the Wine: Artisan Vintners Pinot Noir

Varietal: Wine Infusion

Region: United States/ California

Body: Light

Sweet-Dry Scale: Semi-Sweet

Country: United States

Year: 2020

Price: $20 for bottle

Shop/ wine critic, winery review, tasting notes: 

My review/ Wine Folly Characteristics/ Page Reference: 

Page 26: Color of Wine

This wine is a pinot noir and is a white wine. I did some research on what the color of the wine means. The wine based on the pictures looks like a light yellow color. I used the chart to help identify the hue and intensity in the wine I tasted. 

As I smelled the wine, it smelled fruity and crisp. As I tasted the wine though it smelled fruity but didn't taste as sweet as I thought it would taste. It did taste like a classic pinot. The wine was pretty easy to drink and it was a little more acidic than I expected it to be. The wine also was very smooth to drink and in the end I liked this pinot noir. 
